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Publications and Research Papers


Haley, M. The Myth of Thyestes in Greece and Rome.

ed.s Haley, M. Savani, G. Abbattista, A. and Bianco, C. Tereus throughout Antiquity.




Haley, M. 2022. Quoting from Memory? Shared Knowledge in Cicero’s Book Fragments of Accius’ Atreus. In: Remembrance and Commemoration in Graeco-Roman Literature. Trends in Classics. De Gruyter.


Haley, M. 2021. ‘UBI NEC PELOPIDARUM’ (TrRF ADESP. F 83): Do Cicero's Quotations Derive from Pomponius’ Atellan Farce?   Logeion. 11.252-74. 


Haley, M. 2019. A.J. Boyle Seneca's Thyestes, edited with an introduction, translation and commentary. OUP. Journal of Roman Studies. 209. 413-15.


Haley, M. 2019. Teknophagy and Tragicomedy: The Mythic Burlesques of Tereus and Thyestes. Ramus. 47. 2. 152-73.


Haley, M. 2016. Bad Blood: Are both Antigone’s brothers polluted? Eisodos4. 13-29.


Haley, M. 2015. Hear No Evil, See No Evil: The Infanticide of Seneca’s Medea on Stage and in Recitation. Eisodos. 3. 3-15.



Society of Classical Studies: Seneca in the Renaissance Panel. 2021. Cannibals, Cats and Coteries: Wright's 1674 Mock-Thyestes.

Performance [in] Pieces, Notre Dame, London 2019: Ancient Reconstructions: Mythographers and the reception of tragic fragments.


Alla ricerca del mito perduto, Siena 2018: Chrysippus: Reconstructing the shared fratricide of Atreus and Thyestes in the post-Hellenistic tragic fragments.


AMPAL, Manchester 2018: Quoting from Memory? Shared Knowledge in Cicero’s Book Fragments of the Republican Thyestes Tragedies.


Forgotten Theatre, Turin 2017: Quotations in Context Reconsidering the constitutio textus of Ennius' Thyestes and Accius’ Atreus based Cicero’s quotations..


AMPAL, Liverpool 2017: Teknophagy and Tragicomedy: The Mythic Burlesques of Tereus.


Violence, Myth, Unreason, York 2016: Tragic Reality: Violence and Tyranny in the Myth of Thyestes.


Borders & Boundaries, Leeds 2016: Beyond Justice: Atreus’ Transgressive Revenge in Greek Tragedy.

Prometheus Trust 2016: Fate, Free Will and Thyestes’ Feast: Atreus’ Autonomy as an Avenger. 


APGRD, Oxford 2016: Family Flashbacks and Self-Fulfilling Fate: Seneca’s Thyestean Feast.

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